本 产品是经过特殊工艺加工生产的一种具有特殊结构的氧化铝,无毒、无味、无臭,呈白色细砂状,具有化学纯度高,吸咐性能强,溶液透过速率快,层析效果好,再 生容易,使用寿命长等特性,在空气中有较强的吸水性,吸水后不变性,在110摄氏度烘干即可复原,不溶于水和有机溶剂,高温下溶于强酸强碱溶液。
Neutral alumina Applications
This product is a kind of alumina with special structure produced by special process. It is non-toxic, odorless and odorless. It is white fine sand. Good effect, easy regeneration, long service life, etc. It has strong water absorption in the air, does not change after water absorption, can be recovered by drying at 110 degrees Celsius, insoluble in water and organic solvents, and soluble in strong acids and alkalis at high temperatures. Solution.
The main purpose
This product is an extract of the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a good purifying agent in the process of decolorization and impurity removal. It is superior to imported products in individual indicators. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. In addition, it is also widely used in chromatography and drying processes.

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